Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Little History

Hi Everyone in Mrs. Martineau's class, it's me - Myles' Flat Stanley.

You'll never guess what happened tonight.  We went to a plant exchange and I met a whole lot of new people but Grandma left her camera there so I can't show you my new friends now.  When we get the camera back I'll have a show and tell for you.
In the meantime, I'll tell you a little about what I learned about Rochester today.  I'm really learning a lot and I'll make sure to tell you something new every day.

I told you how the nickname for Rochester was "Flour" City and then became "Flower" City.  This happened because although Rochester was the largest flour-producing city in the United states in the early 1800s, by the mid 1800s the center of the wheat processing industry moved west.  But then Rochester became home to the booming nursery business, that's nursery for growing flowers, not a nursery where babies are.  And did you know that because of the flour (baking kind) production Rochester became America's first "boomtown" because it doubled its population in only ten years?

After the Civil War, Rochester became the city where world-wide companies were started.  I'll tell you more about some of those tomorrow because I have to go to bed now.


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